Débora Coelho Riber 
Director of Operations

At Mind on Spirit, Débora is in charge of making things flow. Taraneh can be a scattered brain creative type, so she needs some guidance and wrangling on the business front. Thank God for Débora! Nothing would happen without her.

Fun fact: Taraneh and Débora met while living in Dar es Salaam in 2009. They reconnected online through Instagram in early 2020 and now enjoy a friendship based on mutual support, motherhood woes, and hilarious memes.


Erica Dolson
Associate Counsellor

Since Taraneh does not work with couples, Erica is her go-to therapist for these referrals. It is important to have therapists whose work you trust and Erica is the perfect combination of caring and fierce. Her critical theory background and anti-oppressive framework is aligned with our values at Mind on Spirit. To inquire about couples work with Erica, please visit

Fun fact: Taraneh and Erica met in 2010 at an outdoor education school for youth where Erica was a counsellor and Taraneh was volunteering. Over the years they jammed on mutual love of nature (both earthy and human) and share family get-aways, long text exchanges of support, and spotify playlists ranging from country sob to hype up pop.