Taraneh was born in Iran and immigrated to Canada in 1996. Roles she plays include: mom to 2 magical beings, partner, sister, daughter, counsellor, spiritual coach, author, speaker, poet and mentor. She is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (BCACC), yoga and meditation teacher, certified Expressive Arts Therapist and best-selling author of the book Conscious Grieving: The Path of Awakening through Loss. She is passionate about operating from an anti-oppressive framework.
Taraneh gets seriously lit up by spiritually aligned work and is ready for the stage with her teachings and work (Side note: secretly, she believes she is a mega music star in some parallel universe and lip-synching is her definition of fun times).
Her life philosophy: Give all the cuddles, hold all the hands, share all the love you wish to. Life is a beautiful (and sometimes painful) awakening, and we will never meet again this young.
Mind on Spirit was birthed around the same time as founder, Taraneh's second child was born in 2017. In order to live in complete alignment with her calling, Taraneh needed to put Spirit back into her work and stop shying away from the mystic guidance she both received and shared in her life. At Mind on Spirit we stand for the reconnection to spiritual life without dogma or agenda, and our intention is to create opportunities for people to remember their connection to Self, interconnectedness with all beings and the planet as a result. We serve the ultimate mission of elevating consciousness.